Problem Statement

Identify which questions asked on Quora are duplicates of questions that have already been asked. This could be useful to instantly provide answers to questions that have already been answered. We are tasked with predicting whether a pair of questions are duplicates or not.

Source :


Real world/Business Objectives and Constraints

Data Overview

Performance Metric


Metric(s): log-loss Binary Confusion Matrix

Exploratory Data Analysis

Distribution of data points among output classes

Number of occurrences of each question Maximum number of times a single question is repeated: 157

The mean of length of questions in train is: 59.6954 and test is 59.826266313315664

Feature Extraction:

1. Basic Features:

req_qid1 = Frequency of qid1’s
freq_qid2 = Frequency of qid2’s
q1len = Length of q1
q2len = Length of q2
q1_n_words = Number of words in Question 1
q2_n_words = Number of words in Question 2
word_Common = (Number of common unique words in Question 1 and Question 2)
word_Total =(Total num of words in Question 1 + Total num of words in Question 2)
word_share = (word_common)/(word_Total)
freq_q1+freq_q2 = sum total of frequency of qid1 and qid2
freq_q1-freq_q2 = absolute difference of frequency of qid1 and qid2

2. Advanced Features:

Token: You get a token by splitting sentence a space
Stop_Word : stop words as per NLTK.
Word : A token that is not a stop_word

cwc_min : Ratio of common_word_count to min lenghth of word count of Q1 and Q2
cwc_min = common_word_count / (min(len(q1_words), len(q2_words))

cwc_max : Ratio of common_word_count to max lenghth of word count of Q1 and Q2
cwc_max = common_word_count / (max(len(q1_words), len(q2_words))

csc_min : Ratio of common_stop_count to min lenghth of stop count of Q1 and Q2
csc_min= common_stop_count / (min(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops))

csc_max : Ratio of common_stop_count to max lenghth of stop count of Q1 and Q2
csc_max = common_stop_count / (max(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops))

ctc_min : Ratio of common_token_count to min lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2
ctc_min = common_token_count / (min(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))

ctc_max : Ratio of common_token_count to max lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2
ctc_max = common_token_count / (max(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))

last_word_eq : Check if First word of both questions is equal or not
last_word_eq = int(q1_tokens[-1] == q2_tokens[-1])

first_word_eq : Check if First word of both questions is equal or not
first_word_eq = int(q1_tokens[0] == q2_tokens[0])

abs_len_diff : Abs. length difference
abs_len_diff = abs(len(q1_tokens) - len(q2_tokens))

mean_len : Average Token Length of both Questions
mean_len = (len(q1_tokens) + len(q2_tokens))/2

fuzz_ratio :
fuzz_partial_ratio :
token_sort_ratio :
token_set_ratio :

longest_substr_ratio: Ratio of length longest common substring to min lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2
longest_substr_ratio= len(longest common substring) / (min(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))

We Featurize using TFIDF weighted word2vec and BoW

Machine Learning Models:

We split the data into train and test set in 70:30 ratio

Random model

We randomly generate the output to find the worst case log loss and then compare it to other models.

Logistic Regression

We also know that LR works well with high dimension data and it is also interpretable.Since we are using log loss as a metric and LR also penalises log loss. So we applied the training data to the model and used the CV data for finding best hyper-parameter (lambda).

Linear SVM

We used Linear SVM because it is interpretable and works very well with high dimension data. RBF Kernel SVM is not interpretable so we not used it . Now we applied the training data to the model and used the CV data for finding best hyper-parameter (C) With the best C we fitted the model and test data is applied to the model and found out the log-loss value is 0.46


Xgboost performs very well on large data and are also interpretable. They outperform other linear model. We get a test log loss of 0.334


To run locally

run and open localhost:8080/index